Love Hearts in Nature Challenge
Here at Golden Signature Photography we believe in supporting great causes...
The Love hearts in Nature Challenge was created from our love of Nature and Photography.

The challenge was developed to raise awareness about the importance of looking after your Mental health and try and help those struggling with mental health to go out for a walk.
Inspired by nature and long walks...Mindfulness in action...
Long walks or even short walks are so peaceful and calming for your well being and mental health. Creating some time for moments of pause, reflection and stillness helps distract your mind from overthinking and worrying thoughts. ( So interesting as it's a bit like how a camera works.)
The challenge #loveheartsinnaturechallenge #mentalhealthawareness inspired by a favourite school playground game "You're it", a mental health exercise/technique called grounding and my love for photography.
Rules and details of the challenge are simple :
1. Grab your camera/camera phone and walking shoes . Get out into nature alone or with a friend and see how many love hearts in nature you can spot. How many did you spot in the reel?
2. While in nature try and practice a grounding technique.
3. Take your own love hearts in nature picture and remember to date it. Tag your own picture #loveheartsinnaturechallenge #mental health awareness or send a picture directly to your family and friends with the same hashtags to inspire them to find the love heart and to take up the challenge.
If the person you send the picture to via social media or directly through picture messaging doesn't find the love heart within 24 hours. It's their turn to go out and find one and send you one back.
4. Go for a walk the next day and see if you can spot another love heart. Tag a new friend the next day on your next walk.
The rules:
1.For this challenge is you must have gone for at least a 10-20 minute walk in a green space/space of nature.
2. The image must be of something occurring in nature, naturally. Don't do anything dangerous to get your photos. Don't harm the environment to get your photos
3. You have to try and practice a grounding exercise.
4.Don't force the challenge its ok if you don't spot any love hearts at all , you might spot something else interesting try again on another day.
5. Be compassionate with yourself and other people. Do not judge the pictures they send.
6.The pictures don't have to look professional as art and photography is a personal expression. You don't even have to post them on social media if you don't want to. I haven't posted all of mine yet.
7. Tagging a person doesn't mean you have a mental health condition or that you think they maybe suffering from a mental health condition. The tag is just a way to let someone know you are thinking of them. Who knows it may inspire and encourage someone to go for a walk.
8. Photo shopped pictures and filters don't count unless people are really really struggling to find a love heart in nature, and they want to participate to raise awareness for mental health awareness month.
The purpose of the challenge is to:
1. Raise awareness about mental health.
2. See if you can disconnect from technology and ONLY use it when you absolutely need to; To capture your image and encourage yourself and others to go for a walk.
3. Do some grounding exercises.
4.Encourages connections/ re-connection.
By tagging a new friend each day see if you can accomplish a short or long walk for a whole month 30-31 days. Some people who struggle with mental health may find it difficult to open up to friends and family. Some people think they don't have any friends or family. You can start your first day of the challenge by just using the #loveheartsinnaturechallenge #mentalhealth awareness.
On those dull days or even if you are just going through a hard time it can be tough to make that effort to go for a walk. Sometimes you may not have a companion to go with or you just may not feel like it ...
Taking your camera as a companion can help with the feeling of loneliness. It takes small changes in your daily routine to see a long term impact.
Hopefully this challenge will help you get walking , exploring and embracing the sounds of nature.
Get involve Today
Create your own Reel or Video and tag us, your friends & family to get involved too.
Share this page to explain the challenge